Friday, January 30, 2009

GOP Congresss co-conspires with GOP arsonists

Bush set fire to the country and now the GOP members of Congress seem to let that sucker burn.

All 178 Republican members of Congress voted against the stimulus bill of Obama.

The GOP is trying to repeat the play on Clinton in ‘92, where they cockblocked him on everything, then blamed him for the failure of the health care bill, and were rewarded with retaking control of Congress. This is just how these guys think. As in “Just ignore that our president started two wars and torched the economy. Don’t put those fires! In two years, we can blame Obama from amidst the rubble and smoke damage. Then we’ll gain a few seats in this arcane electoral body.”

Republicans are behaving as a ‘disloyal opposition.’ Wikipedia defines the root term this way: “Loyal opposition is the concept that one can be opposed to the actions of the government or ruling party without being opposed to the constitution of the political system.”

A loyal opposition is loyal to the country first, while still in opposition over ideological reasons. Country first, dogma second. A disloyal opposition seeks to undermine the ruling party with everything they’ve got, whether legal, illegal, moral or immoral.

Rush Limbaugh said he wants Obama to fail and the GOP is acting to make that so. The GOP so lacks vision that it takes marching orders from a cold-hearted sociopath turned mean and bitchy from ongoing opiate addiction. Someone with an opiate addiction once told me that a side-effect of the dope was a grumpy bitchiness snuck into his personality. I hear that bitchiness in Rush, and I wish his mean voice wasn’t polluting our national dialogue.

At the risk of aiding a disloyal opposition, the obvious direction for the redemption of the Republican Party is towards Ron Paul. Otherwise, the GOP will go the way of the Whigs. Which would be good for the planet and fun to watch.

But the stakes are high. The human species could wind up in Mad Max pretty quick here if we don’t play our cards right. Hopefully the GOP won’t burn us all out on the way down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with you,
it makes me angry to see whats going on
in the US , the Republicans started with Clinton, the government (or better, taxpayers) had to pay millions of Dollars because of all the lawsuits that
they instigated
and failed to get Clinton out of office.
The Australian Rupert Murdoch (Fox Network) is doing
his part to get Obama out,
and the recent Supreme Court decision, giving Private People
and Companies the right to fill up the pockets of their candidates
and political party generously
will help to make the US
a one party country, even worse than under Bush.

Frankly, I don’t see one ray of light for the US if the
Republicans will achieve their goals .

I hope
that a man like Ron Paul will have a
chance and win the next Presidency,
but the way things are going at the moment we might see a
Sarah Palin living in the White House.