Thursday, March 11, 2010

How humans think together?

muddy the waters enough and nobody can see thru the murk

human society trying to think together thru the media get sidetracked by street clatter

how do we learn to think together as one Gaian Mind?

how do we debate amongst the dedicated and depreciate the voices of the decietful?

modern media mavens of magic covens of distributive 2.0 function

give humanity voice with elaborate tools of good groupthinking

(please hold the wireless technology that radiates the modernhome)

welcome to the accidental future.

what i meant to say was this:

we need to learn to think clearly together to solve issues like climate change. when

Exxon can shout into the dialogue nursery rhyme facts, it gets hard to think together.

How do we create a fact base without propganda hustlers?

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