Sunday, May 9, 2010

Climate Leadership Goes South

The South American nations have now taken leadership role in the Climate Crisis.

From siding with good science to democracy in format, the recent Cochabamba people's summit was a startling revelation in the possibility of a people-centered process to address Our Biggest Problem.

For somebody freaked out about climate change, I'm really psyched to hear a president talk about making 1% temperature increase as the lowest possible goal. Bolivia's Evo Morales is way way out ahead of the herd, like Al Gore in being one of the few global leaders to get it. Al Gore has a great new article, by the way, in The New Republic connecting the dots on the oil spill and the oil industry everyday screw-the-planet. Sure the oil spill sucks, but so does another day of L.A. freeways.

It seems there is a near complete American media silence on the recent events in Bolivia. Goggle: World People's Conference on Climate Crisis and Rights for Mother Earth, and sign up for their e-mail list and you'll suddenly be privy to a social movement with the snap and attitude to be worthy of addressing the Climate Crisis.

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